Monday, July 30, 2007


I am not the most conservative person in the world, but I do have a problem with the direction in which our society is heading. Kids are having sex before they know anything about contraception, they're boozing it up as if life is just one big frat party, and drugs have become so prevalent that snorting a line of coke and popping ecstasy don't even faze them. Don't get me wrong: I'm no Mother Theresa, and I have done my fair share of experimentation, but teenagers these days have no concept of self-control or moral responsibility. Teen sexuality has reached an all-time high; boys are watching "Girls Gone Wild" and bragging about their sexual escapades, while girls feel they have to "put out" in order to get a boyfriend, and flashing their goods at the drop of a hat. Things are out of control. This is why I got so angry, literally angry, when I heard the new Gym Class Heroes' song, "Clothes Off". Here's the chorus in case you're unfamiliar:

We have to take our clothes off
We have to party all night
And we have to take our clothes off
To have a good time

What the fuck? It is so irresponsible and morally deficient to create a song that sends such a disturbing message. Teenagers are the primary consumers of Gym Class Heroes music, and it infuriates me that they insinuate young men and women must be naked to "have a good time". I'm truly disgusted by this lack of concern for America's impressionable youth, and I am now officially boycotting this band's music. Does anyone agree with me, or am I just being a complete freak? I just can't help but feel that we should be sending young people messages of morality and self-respect, not encouraging them to be sluts. I don't know...maybe it's just me...


Jason said...

Well I haven't heard the song...but that sounds like it might be a parody or sarcasm. I mean, I know that's what most rock songs are about (when you boil them down) but rarely is the artist so literal. Then again, GCH's could just be lazy/bad writers.

I'll have to check this song out. If it's not tounge-in-cheek, then yeah, that's stupid.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

I'm of a different generation, but I refused to listen to James Brown music--because he had a long history of battering the women in his life. So much for funk and calming the riots in Detroit.