Saturday, July 26, 2008

My ABC's

I was browsing random blogs, ran across this little activity, and thought I'd give it a whirl. I'm bored, babysitting (but all the kids are asleep), and I've watched about 5 hours worth of prison shows on tv. Time for something new...

A is for age: I turned 26 on May 17th. The way I look at it, I'm one year closer to being 30, and I'm still single. Not a happy thought!

B is for burger of choice: I typically don't enjoy eating large portions of animal carcass. A little bit here, and a little bit there is fine, but too much makes me sick. So, I prefer my burgers to be thin. Cheese is an absolute requirement, and it must be completely melted. I like a sesame seed bun, with a large dose of ketchup next to the burger for dipping. Sometimes I like a nice thick tomato slice, but what I love most is my burger served with a crunchy slice of onion. Maybe it's a bit tacky, but honestly, my favorite burger ever is the regular old cheeseburger from McDonald's. You know, the one with cheese, teeny tiny little onion pieces, ketchup, mustard, and pickle slices. Yummy......

C is for the car I drive: As of January of this year, I am the proud owner of a decked-out Cadillac Catera. Sure, it's ten years old, but it is by far the nicest car I have ever owned. Bose stereo system, heated leather seats, power sun and moon roof, all power, that shiny fake-wood looking stuff on the console. It's a nice ass car, I have to admit. It was pretty much an early graduation gift from my mom. Prior to the Caddy, I had Celia, my fifth generation Toyota Celica. I must admit that even though I love and adore the Caddy, I miss driving a stick!!!

D is for your dog's name: Ted, one of the most loyal dogs in the history of the world. He's 1/2 Black Lab, 1/2 Great Dane or German Shepard (the vet couldn't tell). He is the cuddliest, most loving dog I have ever met. He loves to give hugs (yes, actual hugs) in the morning. His full name is Ted Theodore Logan, after Keanu Reeves' character in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". Don't ask me why.

E is for essential item you use every day: Mascara. I'd rather leave the house with greasy hair, stained clothes, and no deodorant than leave without my mascara. It's an absolute necessity for me.

F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Ooh....that's a tough one, considering I'm completely obsessed with television. At the moment, I'd have to say my favorite tv show is "Lockup" on MSNBC. I'm completely engrossed by the behind the scenes aspect of prison life. I want to start teaching in a prison soon, if possible, so I have a genuine interest in what goes on behind the barbed wire and prison walls. In general, however, my favorite tv shows are "Dexter", "Dawson's Creek", "Judge Judy", and "Good Times".

G is for favorite game: If we're talking board games, I'd say Scattergories or Clue. My favorite drinking game is Circle of Death, and my favorite sport is football. This is a multi-faceted question. I'm not much into video games, unless it's the good ol' Super Mario Brothers. I'm old school like that.

H is for home state: Technically, I'd have to say Florida because I was born in Orlando and lived there for the first year of my life, but when it comes down to it, I'd have to say Missouri. I was raised in Webster Groves, a beautiful, affluent suburb of St. Louis.

I is for instruments you play: I have played the piano since the age of 12. My favorite things to play are Beatles songs. Um...I'm trying to teach myself the guitar, but I think my fingers are too short and chubby to accomplish much of anything. When I was younger, I played the french horn (a beautiful instrument), and I taught myself how to play my stepdad's flute. Ew...that sounds kind of perverted, but you know what I mean.

J is for favorite juice: I love grapefruit juice. It served as my breakfast every single morning my sophomore, junior, and senior years of high school. I drank so much of it I think it burned a hole in my intestines or something. And ever since then, I have the most god-awful acid reflux it's not even funny.

K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: Richard. The man I gave 3 1/2 years of my life to. With nothing to show for it except for a broken (but healing) heart.

L is for last restaurant at which you ate: I never eat out, but I got a Red Lobster gift card for my birthday. I took Alex there in May and we shared a lovely meal.

M is for your favorite Muppet: The Count. He always kinda creeped me out. I like that.

N is for number of piercings: Just my ears. I did have my left eyebrow pierced at one time, but it was just soooo not me. And unfortunately, I still have the holes to show for it.

O is for overnight hospital stays: Just when I gave birth. The most wonderful, yet most god-awful experience of my life. Ironic, huh?

P is for people you were with today: Well, Alex of course. Then I saw my mom when I dropped him off before I headed off to work. At work, I saw Gina, Chrissy, Courtney, and several customers. Then I came over to Brian and Janet's house, talked to them for a minute, and spent the rest of the evening with Alex and my adorable little cousins- Michael, Jack, and Benjamin.

Q is for what you do with your quiet time: I watch TV a LOT. It entertains me, but relaxes me at the same time. Also, I find tanning to be incredibly relaxing. Sure, I might be developing a massive case of melanoma in the process, but what the hell? Um...I love reading, writing poetry, blogging (occasionally), listening to music, and just laying on my bed, contemplating my life. Although, with a seven year old son, quiet time is pretty damn hard to come by!

R is for biggest regret: Probably not going to work in Captiva Island, Florida the summer after I graduated from high school. I applied for, and got, a job on a resort, working as a waitress. My room and board for the entire summer would have been paid for, I would have been on my own for the first time in my life, and I would have had the time of my life, meeting new people, going out every night, lounging on the beach...basically, I think I would've had the best summer of my life. ex (Alex's dad) gave me hell about leaving town for the entire summer, so I turned down the job offer. Even though I don't regret Alex in any way, shape, or form, I got pregnant that very same summer, and my life found itself on a completely different course, one that I never wished for or expected.

S is for status: Very, very, very single. Still mending a broken heart, I guess.

T is for time you woke up today: This is totally out of character for me, but I woke up at 10:30 this morning. I'm usually up and out of bed by 6 or 7, but lately I've been tired! Starting tomorrow, I'm setting my alarm for 4:45am. Gotta get used to it!

U is for what you consider unique about yourself: What makes me unique physically would have to be my blue freckle. I have a pronounced bright blue freckle on the outside of my right knee- about an inch to the right of my knee cap. I think I'm a pretty unique person intrinsically. I think that my ability to empathize, sympathize, and understand other people is almost unmatched. My compassion for people less fortunate with me is pretty unique in a world where most people, deep down, whether they admit it or not, don't really give a fuck about other people. I honestly want to do everything in my power to help others, and I know that God has placed me on this Earth precisely for this reason. This quality makes me proud of who I am. One more thing I just thought of. I have a fucking IMPECCABLE memory. I can remember the most random, insignificant, minute details about all kinds of shit.

V is for vegetable you love: It's a three way tie between broccoli, asparagus, and mushrooms. Are mushrooms really a vegetable though, since they're actually a fungus? I don't know...whatever.

W is for worst habit: Probably my love of Diet Coke. I also have a tendency to interrupt people at times when they are talking. I should work on that.

X is for x-rays you've had: When I thought I broke my foot (not my ankle, but my actual foot). I was drunk, dancing at Maggie O'Brien's downtown when my decision to wear my too-tall (but very cute) shoes backfired. My foot twisted in a really fucked up way, I feel to the ground, and besides being completely mortified, I was in the worst pain (besides childbirth) that I have ever felt. The next day (and week, for that matter) was even worse, considering that the insane amount of alcohol in my system had helped numb the pain. After I sobered up, the real pain kicked in. My mom took me to the hospital the next morning; I had to crawl on my hands and knees to the car, and even that hurt. It was horrible. They x-rayed me, gave me a bunch of Vicodin, and I had to walk with a boot and crutches for the next month. I couldn't walk barefoot for the next two years without being in horrible pain. Wow...long story.

Y is for yummy food you ate today: I made a delicious concoction of fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. I'm letting all the juices congeal together for an even more delicious meal tomorrow. Mmmm.....

Z is for zodiac: I'm a Taurus. And I completely fit the stereotypical "bull".

So there you have it. A little more than you probably wanted to know about me, but it was fun to think about all those things.

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