Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two Weeks Notice

Well, it's official. I am an employee of Hollywood Tan for only two more weeks. I gave Gina my written notice this afternoon. In response to the blog I posted a couple of weeks ago, I don't hate my job as much as that blog might lead someone to believe. Yes, I was underpaid, and yes, it was a bit monotonous, but I was just feeling frustrated that particular day. There are actually quite a few things I will miss about working there. 1) the free tanning. I have to admit that I will miss indulging in one of my favorite pasttimes (and only source of relaxation) free of charge. 2) the free lotion. Granted, I have enough high-end tanning lotion to last me (and probably all of my immediate family) a lifetime, but getting all these expensive, high-quality, luxurious lotions for free becomes a bit of an addiction. 3) the customers. I've had my fair share of stick-up-their-ass bitch customers, but the majority of them I really got to know and will miss. It will be strange to never see the regulars again- Stephen McClelland, the 50-something year old man who would always arrive on his old-fashioned bicycle, smoking a cigarette, his Hawaiian style shirt blowing in the wind. And Nancy, Debbie, Chris, and all of the other middle aged women who sincerely took an interest in me, my life, my goals, and who made a true effort to treat me not as "the girl at the tanning place", but as a friend. 4) (some) of my co-workers. I know I'll remain friends with some of them (Chrissy, Sandra, etc), but it will definitely feel different not being part of the Hollywood Tan clan. 5) I'll miss the fact that I had a job that I was legitimately good at. I could sell tanning lotion to a black guy if I really tried. I became known by several customers as "the one to talk to" about the best lotion to use, package to buy, or bed to tan in. I'm a pretty damn good sales person (when I'm in the mood to be). I'm completely confident that I'll be an excellent teacher after a bit more experience and some more time in the trenches, but leaving a job I know I'm good at for a job that I'm a bit uneasy about is sort of scary for me. I know it has to be done, and I'm excited about moving on with my life and my career, but's different and will take a little bit of time to adjust to.

Well, all in all, like I said, I'm excited. I will definitely NOT miss the almost 40 mile drive each day to and from my store. I will definitely NOT miss being completely polite, a big smile on my face, saying "hi, how are you?" to a customer walking in, and getting absolutely no response. Not even a simple "hi" back. I HATED that! If someone says hi to you, you say hi back! It's not a difficult concept to comprehend. Nor will I miss wiping up the massive sweat puddles of complete strangers. Ugh... And thank God I will never again have to discover another shit-smeared pair of panties stuffed behind the tanning bed or a trash can filled with urine.(People are fucking nasty). I will not miss the hours upon hours of cleaning either.

Well, I'm content with my decision and I guess that's all that matters. Of course, leaving any job has its pros and cons, but God is telling me that it's my time to move on and time to do what is right for me and my son.

All in all, it was a good (slightly more than) two years working for Hollywood Tan. It's just time to move on to the next step in my life....
Wish me luck!

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