Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What is wrong with the world?....

I'm so sickened. So disgusted. So utterly nauseated. I just finished watching the news, and the celebrity gossip show, "TMZ", just came on. I despise people who absolutely idolize celebrities. (Ok, I know I'm completely obsessed with Denzel, but that's where I draw the line). I'm referring to all those nutjobs out there who read "People" religiously. These are the same people who actually give a flying fuck about who's dating who, where so-and-so gets their coffee, and worst of all....people who watch shows like "The Hills". I am proud to say that I have never subjected myself to actually sitting down and watching an episode of this "reality" show, but I was forced to sit through "Laguna Beach" a few times. Thanks, Julie. Anyway, so I understand the premise, and what completely baffles me is how people are actually entertained by watching rich, sheltered, clueless, airhead snobs bitch and bicker about mundane, superficial bullshit. Who the fuck are these Heidi and Spencer bozos?!?! And why the fuck are they famous?!?! Why the fuck do they have papparazzi following them?!?! Why????? I simply do not understand. Who are the morons in this country actually supporting this nonsense????? It is an absolute disgrace that these numbskulls, who contribute absolutely NOTHING to society, are admired and idolized for doing nothing more than broadcasting their drama on national television. People who actually enjoy this shit seriously need a reality check...and their heads examined, because apparently, several million brain cells are missing.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not completely opposed to celebrity admiration. It's fantastic when young kids have someone to look up to, to admire. It seems to me, however, that the celebrities being idolized today are virtual worthless pieces of shit, who again, contribute absolutely nothing to society. The fake breasted sluts on "The Girls Next Door", Miley Cyrus (who at age 15 stripped naked and posed for photos wearing nothing more than a fucking sheet), and these "Hills" dumbasses are who our young people are looking to as role models?!?!?! What is wrong with this picture?!?! No wonder so many girls are becoming raging sluts. And the boys of this generation pay more respect to gang banging rappers than to any worthwhile celebrities. What happened to the Michael Jordans, Martin Luther Kings, and Malcolm X's of the world? People who actually deserve admiration are ignored, thanks mostly to this whole "sex sells" bullshit.

I am so fucking fed up. I really am. Society is so fucked up, and the scary part is, it's only going to get worse.

The only good thing about "TMZ" is that they actually poke fun of celebrities, making fun of them every chance they get. But, they are still perpetuating all of this nonsense by following around all these fucking non-celebrities with their fucking cameras. So really, they're just adding to the problem. I wish time could turn back a few decades and people would focus on shit that really counts instead of wasting so much time, effort, and energy on worthless wastes of skin like the Lindsay Lohans and Paris Hiltons of the world.

I want to move to Kenya and live in a little tiny straw hut, just so I never have to see or hear about any of these fucking shitheads again.

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