Saturday, September 6, 2008


Once again, it's been awhile since I've blogged. This teaching thing is consuming so much of my time- more than I expected. Last night I got to release some stress, so that was good. Jason, Paul, Leah, and I went out to Westport, wined and dined (well, beerd and dined, really), and then we found ourselves at the nearest bar that wasn't incredibly loud like Syberg's was. The Dorsett Inn. What can I say? It was...interesting. While driving down Dorsett, (an area all of us are completely unfamiliar with), we decided to pull into the first place we saw with those neon bar signs on, so we pulled into The Dorsett Inn. Right as we did, a very strange looking "goth" type guy, who honestly looked like a serial killer, walked out the front door. We thought, what the hell, let's check it out. It wasn't too bad, I guess, except for the ridiculous $3 cover charge to get into this dump, apparently because of the horrible cover band that was playing. Oh, and besides the whole Paul speaking Spanish to a Native-American guy, and consequently almost getting his ass kicked. Well, kinda. Anyway, it was a good time. Today was good too. I shared a bottle of wine with my aunt was nice. I don't think she and I have ever sat down and talked like that with no one else around. We usually only see each other during family functions, so it was quite nice. Now I'm rethinking the whole moving thing. I don't know if I want to be so far away from my family after all. Eh. I don't know. Anyway, tomorrow is pretty much going to suck. I have to do a shitload of lesson planning. :( And I have to pay my rent, so once again, I'll be completely broke. But, Monday will provide some comfort. Julie and I are going to gorge ourselves at Red Lobster. Endless Shrimp is back baby!!!! This event is seriously the highlight of my year. How PATHETIC is that?!?! Hmm...I just got the sudden urge to listen to some Marvin Gaye. That's weird. *Yawn* I'm tired. It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday night and I'm beat. Good night.