Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Moment of Weakness

So, I'm attempting to detoxify my body. I'm not talking drastic (and quite sick) shit like cleansing my colon and drinking seaweed or whatever, but just by eating only natural foods and good-for-you stuff like chicken and rice. I've been doing really good the past couple of days. Today for breakfast, I had some blackberries and strawberries, for lunch I had salad (just lettuce, spinach leaves, and tomatoes), and for dinner I had a delicious chicken breast cooked on my George Foreman. Alex wanted macaroni and cheese, however, so I grabbed a box from the cabinet and cooked it for him. As I was stirring in the cheese, it looked so good! Warm and steamy, cheesy and gooey. I had three bites...and now I feel bad about it...Talk about horrible food! I mean, tons of carbs, not to mention the extremely unnatural processed orange substance they refer to as "cheese". I wanted to not put a morsel of crap into my mouth for awhile, but then again, I suppose three bites of crap over the course of three days isn't that bad. I need more self-control.

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