Tuesday, May 13, 2008

English, motherfucker!

I just checked my grades online- I ended up with a 98.3% in my History of the English Language class. That's freaking awesome because I worked my ass off in that class, and it paid off. Although, I must admit, I'm so glad it's over and I never ever ever have to study the Great Vowel Shift of Early Modern English or diphthongy functional loads or the morphological characteristics of Old English. NEVER again!!! Woo hoo! After learning all this bullshit, it'll be a piece of cake to teach subject/verb agreement and prepositional phrases to a bunch of high school kids. I was a little nervous about that before, but now that I know way more than I ever wanted to know about the English language, I'm not worried at all. I'm excited. No, ecstatic! I feel relieved, accomplished, happy- all that good stuff.

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